27 November 2008

autruchicisme!!! ;o] (why i love my school)

this word is from french and it translates to ostrich coolness. i know that some of you will be like, "what the heck is she talking about?." so, here is the story.
me and my friend (one of my awesomest friends) were thinking we should have a sisterhood! so we were thinking of what it could be. and i thought ostriches since we both speak french (and only talk to each other in french) we made it in french. but we knew something so awesome should have the word awesome. but we did not know what awesome was in french. so we used cool instead.(chic)
now, i definitely think that my teacher has autruche. cause we were waiting for the bell to ring i was talking with her and we got on the topic of Abba dancing queen. my teacher had seen mama mia and loved it as much as i did. she also said that she wishes she could live in a musical. these are words stolen from my mouth. i also liked it when i stayed i for recess we both just kept to our selves. i just typed and typed. also, the teacher across the hall played piano the whole time. it was a beautiful moment.
if only all my teachers were like this. ;o)

1 comment:

soleil said...

you are my bestest oobabbbaBAYM ooostrich friend in all of ooma.. I mean oam? What was it again..? we really need to write a constitution for this organization.. before things get way too silly and out of hand.. i mean this is SERIOUS BUSINESS. 8) I love you!